Quran and Islamic Studies


Islamic Studies

Wisdom Academy is a school which strives for spiritual and academic excellence- our students learn in an environment that promotes critical thinking and responsibility, cultivates character and nurtures their growth on a holistic level.

We are a school grounded in the Shia school of thought and our children are surrounded by a culture that promotes that teachings of the Ahlul al Bayt where they learn and implement the different areas of the mazhab- from solidifying their aqaid, putting their fiqh into practice, embracing their rich history and fine tuning their mannerisms while promoting respect and unity to all other Muslim schools of thought.

We make use of the Kisa Kids curriculum, which presents short lessons in the various subjects that are appropriate at a given level. Using this as the foundation, our children expand upon their knowledge through hands-on activities, group projects and discussions with Sheikh Mahdi Rastani.


Quranic Studies

Our Quran curriculum introduces the child to verses and their meanings through storytelling and individualized lesson plans.. Understanding the meaning helps in better memorization and in applying what is learnt in real life. The one-on-on approach makes sure that Quran memorization adapts to the child's age-level and speed.


When can my child begin these lessons?

Children who are 4 years old and older on September 1st of the current school year will receive formal Quran and Islamic studies lessons. Children who turn 4 years old during the academic year will begin Quran class at the beginning of the following academic year.