The Primary Program

Pre-k to Kindergarten


Our school follows the principles of a child-centered education developed by Dr. Maria Montessori.  An important element in the Montessori philosophy is to view  children as unique human beings.

The Montessori system of education is child-centered and teacher facilitated. The first plane of development is referred to in The Montessori Philosophy as the period of the “absorbent mind”. Children develop through language and movement while their personalities unfold and develop. The child absorbs information and knowledge like a sponge. The environment offers the child the opportunity to learn. Classroom materials spark the child’s curiosity. Discovery becomes a delight, and a child’s accomplishment brings about a sense of fulfillment and pleasure. Learning becomes a joyous, natural experience for the child.

The Montessori Curriculum

Click here for an overview of the of the Primary Montessori Curriculum that is offered at Wisdom Academy.

Our Prepared Environment

Our Primary Classroom is composed of a multi-age grouping of 3 to 6 year old’s. The Primary class blends practical and sensorial activities with social and academic skills. Our classrooms are carefully prepared and ordered learning environments, organized to meet the needs of children at different stages of development.

The children pass through periods of acute interest in specific aspects of the physical and social environment called  the ‘Sensitive Periods.’ The  classrooms with a range of distinctive, concrete materials is equipped to respond to each child’s particular sensitive periods.  These materials spark and hold children’s interest and lead them comparatively effortlessly to educational knowledge.

Children learn the satisfaction of performing activities from daily life known as Practical Life. The activities like pouring, sweeping, polishing, and food preparation aid in the development of order, coordination, concentration, and independence.

Children are introduced to many new concepts and allowed to work uninterrupted for long blocks of time on those things which most interest them. Manipulative materials are presented to students in lessons. These materials engage the children in the study of one to one correspondence, numerals, the decimal system and basic mathematical operations.

The child experiences phonics, spelling, writing, language and reading skills. Geography lessons include puzzle maps, creating landforms, and the study of different countries and their people. Science, art, sound and movement are integrated into the curriculum. In addition to the regular Montessori curriculum, Wisdom Academy integrates Arabic, Quran and Islamic Studies in order to teach Islamic principles based on the values taught by Ahlul Bayt.

Fostering Independence

The Montessori Method and materials develop within the child the ability to work independently and collaboratively in order to fulfill their individual potential.  The child has the opportunity to develop qualities of self esteem, independence, self reliance and self discipline, and to build the skills of concentration, research and orderly work patterns.  Social awareness and responsibility are also fostered in children who are educated in the Montessori Method. The environment promotes respect for self and others, awareness and consideration for the needs of fellow human beings, developing the child intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.  The Montessori Method is unique in that it allows the educators to treat each child as an individual.